The Athens Forever campaign focuses on four specific Centers of Excellence, which include teacher education, leadership and professional studies, technology and cybersecurity, and inclusion and diversity.
These Centers would be reflective of our partnership with industry in the Tennessee Valley and our commitment to provide graduates who are workforce ready. Each of these single gift opportunities would provide the necessary seed money to establish the Center and provide endowment funding for continued operations. Naming rights would be included as part of the donor recognition package.
GOAL: $1,500,000
The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) cultivates and nurtures future teachers and leaders in science, technology, and math education. The CEE is dedicated to promoting culturally responsive teaching, high-impact educational practices, and support of teacher candidates through the use of innovative pedagogy and technology. Funding priorities for the CEE include certification courses and discipline-related training and development for teaching professionals. Outcomes focus on high-quality student experiences, robust support for student research, and collaboration with faculty to nurture knowledge and skills in their respective disciplines.
This single gift opportunity would provide the necessary seed money to establish the CEE and provide endowment funding for continued operations. Naming rights would be included as part of the donor recognition package.
GOAL: $1,500,000
The Center for Leadership and Professional Development (CLPD) is dedicated to helping students and community constituents develop leadership and professional skills. The CLPD provides a nexus for initiatives related to transformational leadership and community engagement.
Funding priorities for the CLPD include certifications in leadership and professional development, program initiatives, and scholarships, along with digital badging and advanced manufacturing certifications. Students will benefit through executive coaching, leadership training, and skill development for professional preparation and civic leadership.
This single gift opportunity would be used to establish the CLPD and provide endowment funding for scholarships and ongoing operations. Naming rights would be included as part of the recognition package.
GOAL: $2,000,000
The Center for Technology and Cyber Security (CTCS) serves to position Alabama as a national leader in cybersecurity through education, innovative research, and community outreach. Housed on the campus of Athens State University, the CTCS works with civic organizations, defense firms, and government agencies to develop Alabama’s cybersecurity workforce to address related vulnerabilities.
Funding priorities for the CTCS include scholarships, a CSI Academy for Cyber Security and Information Systems, an incubator for Cyber Defense and Protection of Consumer Vulnerabilities, and research for innovative approaches to cyberdefense in collaboration with Cyber Huntsville and other constituencies.
This single gift opportunity would provide facility space for the Center, ongoing funding for operations, and a scholarship endowment. Naming rights would be included as part of the recognition package.
GOAL: $1,000,000
The Center for Inclusion and Diversity (CID) supports the University’s mission by strengthening, developing, and coordinating diversity and inclusion programs across the Institution and the region. Through academic and co-curricular programming related to diversity, gender, and global issues, students in all disciplines will be better prepared for success in a diverse society.
Funding priorities for the CID include dedicated facilities for the collection of resources, scholarships, mentoring, and leadership training for diverse and underrepresented populations, including first generation students, veterans, students with disabilities, women, minorities, and other groups.
This single gift opportunity would provide the necessary resources and facility space for program development, as well as endowment capital for continued operation and student scholarships. Naming rights would be included as part of the recognition package.